Here you will find the 3Phase Elevator and Excel Elevator COVID-19 Continuity and Reopening Plan. The purpose of this plan is to help keep employees, and by extension customers, safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan was developed using the COVID-19 Control Plan template and guidance published on the official website.


The main elements of the plan are:

  • Social Distancing

  • Hygiene Protocols

  • Staffing and Operations

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting


Requirements for Employees

Social Distancing

Use a face covering or mask at all times. Follow established protocols to ensure social distancing. This includes remaining at least six feet away from others to the greatest extent possible, both inside and outside workplaces. Review signage for safe social distancing.

Hygiene Protocols

Wash hands frequently and properly. Ensure there are hand-washing protocols throughout the workplace. Frequently sanitize high-touch areas, such as workstations, equipment, screens, doorknobs, restrooms, etc.

Daily Self-Check

Complete work trainings regarding the social distancing and hygiene protocols. Do not report to work if displaying COVID-19-like symptoms. Comply with plans for those who become ill from COVID-19 at work.

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Comply with and maintain cleaning protocols specific to each customer’s business. Disinfect all common surfaces at appropriate intervals. Ensure that cleaning and disinfecting is performed if an active employee is diagnosed with COVID-19.

On-Site Procedures

100% compliance with the following is required: use of face covering or mask, wearing of cut-resistant gloves, and not carpooling. Commonly touched tools or lifts must be disinfected each day, at the frequency of at least two times per day. Breaks/lunches will be staggered or administered in a way that adheres to social distancing guidelines. Employees may not use common water/food.

Staffing & Operations

Every field employee must self-certify to his or her supervisor each day before entering the job site and beginning work that she or he has had no signs of a fever, a cough, or trouble breathing within the last 24 hours; has not had close contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 per CDC guidelines; and has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by his or her doctor or a local health official.

Returning to Work


Any impacted worker should follow CDC and DPH recommended steps concerning return to work. A worker who is considered by public health authorities to be a close contact to a COVID-19 case should not return for 14 days and is subject to quarantine by public health. If a worker develops COVID-19, as confirmed by laboratory testing or diagnosis by a healthcare provider, she or he shall not return to the site until released from isolation by either a healthcare provider or public health authorities.

Provisions for Callback

3Phase Elevator/Excel Elevator works closely with our union partners regarding “calling back” laid-off union workers as needed. This includes taking into account the scenario if an outbreak should occur.

Education & Training

Training Topics, Materials, Plans

Recognizing the symptoms of COVID-19
● Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Poster (CDC)
● Share Facts About COVID-19 Poster (CDC)
● Field Employee Daily Self-Check

Social/physical distancing strategies
● How to Protect Yourself and Others Poster (CDC)
● Stop the Spread of Germs Poster (
● Field Employee On-Site Procedures

Complete documentation of the training so it can be administered multiple times.


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